150824 katy song

i always feel super contemplative whenever i get onto neocities and open a new html doc. i guess it's cos i don't really come on here that much anymore. ah well! july was crazy eventful - i got hospitalised, went on a holiday, and watched a din and tonics concert (not in chronological order)! of course the hospital part wasn't as fun lol but it was definitely an Experience... long story short i got really bad pneumonia and multiple secondary antibiotic-resistant secondary infections so i had to be warded for a few days. it wasn't as bad as it sounds i promise and i feel much better now! but it was the first time i've been hospitalised since i was like 5 so it was kind of strange and lowkey alienating idk... hospitals freak me out

well now it's august! something i've been trying to do this month is to get back in touch with my creative side. i realised that i've kinda been slacking since june . umm not really doing much haha. but my studies haven't been so stressful lately so i want to get back into jewellery making and writing and watching films! i've been quite successful so far. it's so embarrassing but i only watched 1 film in july kms anyways i just watched (and am currently writing about) didi (2024) YAY keep an eye out for my review!

i'm also planning to go and watch a curation of short films on saturday. they're showing it in an indie cinema and the theme for this showcase is "garden city [something something i forgot]" and yk me being the #1 nature lover ever i obviously have to go. i always feel so out of place in local film events because the community is really small and niche so i feel like i stand out a lot because i'm not from a film school or whatever. there's also a qna session after which i thought was cute but it also makes me anxious because even after a year of being a Dedicated Cinephile i still feel really stupid and inferior Sigh. it is a me problem for sure

apart from that i recently rediscovered my penchant for album-listening. i used to be a playlist truther but i've been really addicted to Charm by Clairo, When the Pawn... by Fiona Apple and Heaven knows by Pinkpantheress. nonstop looping! anyways i've also been trying to be more thoughtful with my media consumption and i've been trying to get back into my interests full-time. i feel like i could learn stuff about my interests a lot better when i was actually depressed lol.

okay but everyone clap for jay cus their mental health is actually doing really well! i feel like i've come miles from where i was last year and i feel like a much more stable and overall better person. making leaps this year in my character for sure.

- j